Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Remarkable Life

“When Jacob had finished instructing his sons, he drew his feet into the bed and died. He was gathered to his people.” (Genesis 49:33)

What a remarkable life! Who among us has ever – literally – wrestled with God? No one could ever say that Jacob failed to live his life: contending with Esau, running for his life, visions of heaven, a trick marriage and suddenly two wives, eleven sons and a daughter, vast wealth, tragic loss, providential and miraculous restoration, experiencing the very presence of Almighty God, and grandchildren (and beyond). Jacob lived this life for 147 years.

Maybe what is most remarkable about Jacob’s life is that all of this came by the blessing of God. Credit where it is due: this was the grace of God at work in a human life. If not for that, we would never have even heard the name Jacob. Apart from God he would have been more or less a “John Doe.” But it was his walk with God that made the difference in a non-life and a truly remarkable life.

It’s no different for us. Walking with God, experiencing His grace and blessings, turns our life from little more than dust to a life of significance, a remarkable life.

To God be the glory.

Lord, We thank You for Your grace and mercy, which are new every day. Amen.

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