Thursday, January 6, 2011


“God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You.” (Psalm 63:1)

“I eagerly seek You” – what does that mean? Other versions read, “Earnestly I seek You.” The idea is: eagerly, earnestly, energetically, enthusiastically, experientially, and emotionally we seek God. Being in the desert at the time, David further described this feeling: “I third for You in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water. (v1b) So, what does it mean?

First, we eagerly seek God through prayer. Our desire is to be in communion with the Spirit of God, to experience the warmth of His presence, the depth of His love, and the joy of His encouragement. A half-hearted approach to prayer is never very satisfying, but when we are eager in seeking communion with God, we experience a “soul-satisfaction.”

Second, we eagerly seek God through His word. It is often in the reading of God’s word that we hear Him speak to us, and when we begin to dig deep, to put down roots into His word, we are strengthened by the spiritual nutrition that comes from His word.

Third, we eagerly seek God through His church. When we gather together with fellow believers to whom we are committed as brothers and sisters, and when we together with one heart worship and glorify God, we experience a depth of fellowship that is virtually indescribable. That fellowship can meet some of the deepest needs of our lives.

Eagerly seek God.

Lord, May we turn to You throughout the day with energetic enthusiasm and simply know that You are God. Amen.

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