Tuesday, June 29, 2010


“The Lord sat enthroned at the flood; the Lord sits enthroned, King forever. The Lord gives His people strength; the Lord blesses His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:10-11)

The thing about floods is: they impact everything. If you’ve ever been in one, you know it’s true. Their destruction can be devastating.

Some life events come upon us like floods. Have you ever received a phone call or a message of tragedy, something you didn’t expect? The words of those messages sweep over us like a flood, and with each passing moment the depth increases. Nothing is left untouched. It’s almost like life and activity is totally suspended while you thrash around trying to survive it. A flood of sorrow can do this to you.

David grew into a perspective in his life that may help us. In the tragedies he faced, he still acknowledged the sovereignty of God. He wrote, “The Lord sat enthroned at the flood; the Lord sits enthroned, King forever.” He accepted the flood because he recognized that in spite of it, God was still the sovereign Lord.

David also recognized that God would give his people strength to endure the flood and ultimately bring them to peace. Maybe we need that same confidence for the floods we face, the confidence that says, “I believe the Lord will see me through this.” Maybe it’s a little like the perspective Paul grew into, “I have learned the secret of being content… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Lord, For the floods that come into our lives, help us to first recognize that You are still the Lord, that nothing can change that, and help us to keep moving toward You in the confidence that You will lead us into Your peace as You strengthen us. Amen.

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