Monday, August 17, 2009

A Confident Life

“I keep the Lord in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8)

How does someone live a life of confidence and assurance? The psalmist seems to have an answer: “I keep the Lord in mind always.” Let’s think about that for a moment. Is it possible to keep the Lord in mind always? What about all of those other distracting thoughts that race across your mind, some of them screaming for your attention? What is the psalmist talking about?

“Keep the Lord in mind always” is more or less an interpretation of the more literal phrasing of this text, which actually reads, “I will keep the Lord in front of me all the time.” The interpretation mostly makes sense, but in this case the literal meaning may actually be more instructive.

Keeping the Lord in front of you all the time means that you are committed to following Him, to carrying out His will, to listening to and learning from Him. The psalmist is saying that a person who is committed to God’s will in this way can never be shaken. The person who makes every life decision on the basis of whether it takes him away from God or keeps him on the path of following God is a person who can live with full confidence and assurance before the Lord. Such a person cannot be shaken.

Lord, Help us today to practice Your presence, to keep You in front of us at all times. Amen.

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