Thursday, September 6, 2007

Our Fortress

“Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught and overflowing with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7 CSB)

How high can a tree grow? It mainly depends on the roots. The deeper the roots grow, the higher the tree can grow. Limit the roots, limit the tree.

How great can our faith grow? It mainly depends on the depth of our “roots” in Christ. The deeper we go with the Lord, the greater our faith becomes, and the more we overflow with thanksgiving.

Paul was writing to the believers in the church at Colossae, knowing from reports received from Epaphras that many were being unsettled in their faith. Among the believers there were some folks who were introducing humanistic philosophies which were “competing,” so to speak, with Christian theology. In part, that is why Paul wrote to the church. His intent was to help them not be deceived by the foolishness of empty philosophies and to remain fully committed in their walk with Christ. He pointed out to them that in Christ all the fullness of God’s nature dwells, and, therefore, no human philosophy can compete with that. He knew, however, that people can sometimes be deceived by logical argumentation which was used by these so-called philosophers. That is why he encourages them to let their roots grow deep into Christ. He wants to see their faith soar.

In our day and age, there are more philosophies and religions than you can shake a stick at. Some folks commit to these, and some think we have to be inclusive of everything, which in itself is a philosophy called “pluralism.” Youth and children are particularly susceptible to these philosophies, particularly when they are espoused in the public school system. The danger for younger folks and for believers who are not so deep in their faith is that they could be deceived into wandering after these “pied pipers.”

It is important that believers let their roots grow deep into Christ and deep into His word so that, not only we will ourselves be strong, but so that we can help and encourage and strengthen those who are not quite there yet. Letting your roots grow deep in Christ is the greatest fortress, the greatest protection against the enemy.

Lord, Keep us in Your word, and help us to grow strong in our faith in You by letting our roots deepen as much as possible. Amen.

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