Thursday, September 20, 2007


“They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth in order to be saved. For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, so that all will be condemned – those who did not believe the truth but enjoyed unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:10b-12 CSB)

“They,” in the verse above, is those who choose to follow Satan and his representative, referred to as “the lawless one.” Paul says that these folks are perishing as the result of their decision to not accept a love of the truth about God and sin. Because they made that choice, God allowed strong delusions to come their way that actually increased their disbelief and accentuated their rejection of the truth, bringing even greater condemnation. Those who choose to disbelieve the truth go further and even “enjoy” unrighteousness.

You may have noticed that society and culture in America can seem at times almost extremely enamored with itself. Nearly anywhere you turn, you see examples of people in the limelight who wish to flaunt their enjoyment of sin in the public eye. It many respects it even appears to be promoted as the “new standard” for American life, and huge numbers of people appear to have bought into the lie.

The Bible makes it very clear that people who follow a life of sin, thinking that God is OK with it and doesn’t really mind, are deluded. God does not like sin. He will forgive sin when people turn to Him in repentance and faith and seek His forgiveness. The Bible promises us that He will forgive us. But that does not mean that God is OK with sin. Sin – our sin – is what put His Son on the cross.

God does not want us to buy into the lie that is placed on our plates every day from a godless media (television, radio, newspaper, etc), and from people who think it is all right to liberalize lifestyles so that people can be encouraged to do anything they want to do and believe it is all right. God seeks to build in the hearts of people a love for the truth, and love for the truth results also in a desire to follow the way of truth and not be deceived by those who are on the broad path that leads to destruction.

The delusion is there. Many choose to believe it, mainly because they want to do whatever they want to do without consequence. Those who are wise open their eyes to the truth of God. When they do, they find Him.

Lord, Help us today to follow You in the way You are going. Amen.

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