Friday, February 1, 2008

Strengthening the Church

“Then Paul and Silas departed, after being commended to the grace of God by the brothers. He traveled through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.” (Acts 15:40-41 CSB)

The missionary purpose of the church is to “seek and to save that which was lost.” That was the stated purpose of Jesus, and we follow Him. Part of achieving this purpose is the task of strengthening churches so that people can use their spiritual gifts in the work of ministry. We can identify several important actions that serve to strengthen churches, based on Paul’s example.

One action is to teach the truth. In teaching the Bible, we are teaching the truth. We are teaching God’s truth because we know that the truth will set people free and will serve to strengthen the people of God.

Second, we develop people. We train people to follow everything Jesus commanded, as He instructed in the Great Commission. We help people develop their leadership, their skills, and their gifts so that they can serve God.

A third action is to pray for the church. In his letters to churches, one of the first statements Paul always made was, “I pray for you continually,” or, “I thank God for you ever time I think of you.” Intercession for the church is standing in the breach on their behalf and seeking God’s blessings on the church.

Fourth, encouraging the church strengthens it. This, too, is part of what Paul and Silas did. Sometimes churches can become discouraged, and Christian leaders need to then look for every possible way to encourage the church.

Fifth, leading and living by example can provide positive strengthening for the church. When the people of the church, and leaders especially, live the life we say we believe and lead by example as servant leaders, it has the effect of both encouraging and strengthening to church to follow suit.

In this day, may we each look for ways that we can, in the leadership of the Holy Spirit, serve to strengthen the church that Jesus gave His life for.

Lord, Show us throughout the day what we can do to strengthen Your church. Amen.

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