Monday, November 12, 2007


“When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, the skin of his face shone.” (Exodus 34:30 CSB)

The Latin word for “face” is “persona.” We have pulled this word directly into our English language as another way for referring to a person’s face. You may also find it interesting that the same word is the root for our word “person.” Someone’s face is thus the expression of the person.

Moses spent some significant amounts of time with the Lord. On more than one occasion he spent 40 days on a mountain with God. He was in the direct presence of the Almighty. The effect of this time with God is that the face of Moses, his “persona,” radiated the glory of God. It was frightening to those who saw it. Moses did not know it himself until he saw the fearful actions of others and they then told him why they were afraid. The glory on his face would fade after a while, but each time he was in the presence of the Lord thereafter, he would come away from it with his face shining.

While we may not have such an experience from spending time with the Lord in prayer, even so, it should be evident in our faces, our “persona,” that we have been in the presence of the Lord. When people meet you on a given day, is there anything in your face that will indicate that you belong to Him, that His Spirit dwells in your heart, that you are spending time with Him?

Maybe this is something we should ask the Lord to accomplish in our faces on a daily basis.

Father, Today and each day, we pray that as we spend time with You, that there will be something in our faces, something in our eyes, that will communicate to others that we belong to You, and we pray that the “personhood” in each of us will bring glory to You. Amen.

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