Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Unity’s Purpose

“…diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds you.” (Ephesians 4:3 CSB)

Unity is the focus of some believers, and that is a good thing. It has become a goal of sorts. It certainly is an extremely important aspect of who we are as Christians, and it has full merit in and of itself. Unity is clearly something we would like to see achieved. But to what end?

When unity is achieved, what then do you have? Well, you have unity. So, is that it? Is that as far as it goes? Do we seek unity for unity’s sake, or is there something beyond which is achieved by unity? The reality is that unity is not the end. In fact, it is a means to other ends.

Unity, in reality, is already established. It may not be the functional sort that is the dream of many, but Christians are already united spiritually by the Holy Spirit who dwells in the heart of each believer. The Spirit gives spiritual gifts to each of us, and this great variety of gifts, like unity, serves a larger objective.

Actually, there are several of these larger objectives that are spelled out in Ephesians 4: 1) the training of all believers in the work of ministry, 2) the building up of the body of Christ, 3) the unity of the faith, 4) the knowledge of God’s Son, 5) growing toward maturity, 6) theological stability, and 7) developing in our capacity for loving one another.

In order to achieve those ends, we thus have two responsibilities. First, we are to keep the unity of the Spirit with the bond of peace. It is possible for us to thwart the Spirit’s unity through a contentious spirit. So, we practice peace so that the unity of the Spirit remains solid. Second, we are to exercise our spiritual gifts in the unity of the Spirit for the full development of the body of Christ, the church. Exercising our spiritual gifts keeps us healthy and growing.

Today, let your focus be on keeping the unity of the Spirit and exercising your spiritual gift or gifts so that the Lord’s objectives may be achieved.

Lord, Remind us throughout the day that we serve You and Your purposes. Amen.

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