Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trust Rejoice Sing

“But I have trusted in Your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance. I will sing to the Lord because He has treated me generously.” (Psalm 13:5-6)

These last two verses of Psalm 13 are strongly positive, but the psalm did not begin that way. Listen: “Lord, how long will You forget me? Forever?” (verse 1) This is David asking the question. He asked it out of great duress, when he felt his life was being dominated by his enemy. Which enemy, we do not know. This shows us that even someone whose heart is described by God Himself as “a man after My own heart” can have moments when he feels as low as the dust.

But, as we see in the last two verses, David came to his spiritual senses, and he did so (in the middle part of the psalm) by looking back over his life to see the hand of God at work. He recognized that he has trusted in the Lord in the past, and God has delivered him. Thus, he decided to rejoice in the Lord’s deliverance that was to come. Then, he decided to sing to the Lord because of how God has been at work in his life.

This sounds like a pretty good formula for dealing with those days that feel rather low: trust, rejoice, and sing. To trust, it helps to remember. To rejoice, we just decide that we are going to. To sing, we think of a song or hymn that has special meaning to us, and we then just regale as we launch into it.

When you have one of those days, give this a try. Trust. Rejoice. Sing.

Lord, We trust You with our very souls. We rejoice before You in faith. We sing praise to Your Name. “Aleleuia, alleluia…” Amen.

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