Monday, February 4, 2008

An Expectation of Faith

“But in spite of this you did not trust the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 1:32 CSB)

Near the close of his journey with the Israelites, encamped in Moab and poised just beyond the Jordan River, Moses delivered a long address to the people, recorded as the Book of Deuteronomy. He reminded the people how God delivered them from Egypt, how He led them to the edge of the promised land, only for the people to shrink back in fear and refuse to enter the land. What is so remarkable about this is that God had demonstrated His power and protection over the people repeatedly. They saw this first-hand in the 10 plagues against Egypt. They saw it at the Red Sea as the Egyptians were defeated and destroyed by God’s power. They saw it as God provided water and food in the desert. But in spite of it all they did not trust the Lord to lead them into Canaan. Instead, they allowed fear to rule the day.

God expected Israel to follow His instructions into Canaan. He expected them to trust Him. Faith always calls for a response of trust, followed by actions that demonstrate that trust. At the Red Sea, God divided the waters, but the people had to respond by walking through to the other side. God provided manna every day for the people, but they had to respond by going out to collect it every morning.

Faith says that we have to trust God to do or provide whatever is necessary in order for us to carry out His will. When it is clear what God wants us to do, we must then demonstrate our trust in His by the action of obedience. That is what God will bless.

Father, Help us to put our faith and trust into action today as we walk with You. Amen.

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