Thursday, October 4, 2007

God of Integrity

“I will bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for your constant love and faithfulness. You have exalted Your name and Your promise above everything else.” (Psalm 138:2 CSB)

The God who loves us is a God of integrity. God has so many attributes that help describe Him for us, and certainly integrity is one of them. God has exalted His name, that is, His character by His integrity, and He has exalted His promises because He keeps them. That is the meaning of integrity. God keeps His word.

God promises that He will be with us wherever we are, wherever we go. His presence is a sustaining and encouraging influence to us day after day, moment to moment. His Spirit who dwells within the hearts of each of us whispers throughout the day that He is here, and that He loves us. Pure encouragement.

God promises that He will take care of us and provide for us. The birds of the air do not sow seed. They do not reap. They have no barns. But God provides for them. The flowers of the field do not spin thread to make clothes, but God clothes them with beauty that far surpasses anything Solomon ever wore. And if God does that for them, then we should know for certainty that He will provide what we need.

God promises that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. He promises eternal life and forgiveness of sins to all who turn from sin and receive Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Savior. He promises that if we confess our sins, He will be faithful to forgive us and cleanse us.

God has exalted His name and His promises above everything else. He does that just because of who He is. He is the God of integrity, and we can count on Him.

Lord, We trust our very souls to you. Guide us and strengthen us through this day, that our lives may serve as a testimony to You and glorify Your name. Amen.

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