Monday, September 3, 2007

Dark to Light

“He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13 CSB)

We once lived in the dark domain. It may not have appeared all that dark, though. The domain of darkness masquerades as a life of normalcy, because the ruler of the dark domain himself masquerades as an “angel of light,” according to the Bible. People in darkness actually live ordinary, normal lives by the world’s standards. They are unaware of their spiritual domain and how lost they are, and this is due to the subtleties and deception of sin.

We were once there until we came to faith in Jesus. His truth has now freed us from the chains of darkness. When we received Him into our hearts by faith, He rescued us. He led us into the kingdom of light. He forgave our sins. He redeemed us. It was like being born again. Now, His light and the light of His truth shines in us, and the pursuits of our lives follow a different set of values from those of the world.

We seek to be filled with His knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual depth. We seek to walk in ways that are worthy of Him, pleasing to Him, fully fruitful, especially in terms of endurance, patience, and joy. We seek the strength that comes from the communion of a personal relationship with Him, that will bring glory and honor to Him. We seek to share His light with a world that dwells in darkness but does not know it.

Father, Show us how we can share Your light today with someone in darkness. Amen.

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