Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Light Challenge

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.” (Ephesians 5:8 CSB)

Darkness tends to hide whatever is in it. The only time it is possible to see even basic shadowy forms in the darkness is where there is the presence of some amount of light, but when it is pitch black you really cannot see anything. We once were of the darkness, engaging in the works of the darkness, but now the light of the Lord has shined in our darkness, exposing the awful truth of sin. That has led us to repentance and to a new birth, and now we are children of the light.

The light of God shows us reality, and it helps us to live and participate in the fruit of the light – goodness, righteousness, and truth. The shining of God’s light in us was thus a “wake-up call,” and now we really do know how to live.

The challenge before us now is to continually live in the light. The temptations of the darkness still abound, but God’s light shows us the way to God. Now, His light in us may be the only opportunity some folks may have to see goodness, righteousness, and truth. Thus, our desire is to walk as children of the light, so those in darkness may see the way to God.

Father, Today may we each response to the challenge to walk in the light. Amen.

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